Non-Acid, Non-Alkaline Perm Permanent Revolution – Neutral perm solution.


1 for all Masdo Aqua Shining Perm.png

Masdo Aqua shining perm is always a good helper for hairdressers, beside to solve all the hair problem hairdresser might meet in the salon, but also shorten the perm time.

We actually visit a lot of designers who are using Masdo Aqua shining perm in their salon, let’s see what they are saying.





Designer A:

Q1:How many people with medium-length hair you can perm with a set of 500ml Masdo Aqua Shining perm lotion?

A:An average of 5-8 people, liquid perm lotion with high permeability to hair, perfectly cut the disulfide bond, for one medium-length hair will use around 80 to 100ml.

Q2:How many people with medium-length hair you can perm with other perm lotion that in same volume?

A: An average of 3-4 people



Designer B:

Q3:How long does it take to use Masdo Aqua Shining perm for a medium-length hair?

A:will take around 1.5 hours. Masdo Aqua Shining Perm lotion with its neuter, non-alkaline and non-ammonia feature will not damage hair; therefore can be use on all type of hair. Saving time from choosing perm lotion, saving time from waiting and checking hair softening.

Q4: How long does it take (same process) to use other perm lotion for a medium-length hair?

A:will take around 3 to 4 hours.



Designer C:

Q5 : How many kind of perm lotion you need to use to fulfill the different hair needs on cold and digi perm if you use Masdo Aqua Shining Perm?

A : Only 1 set of Masdo Aqua Shining perm will solve all the hair issues and as cold perm lotion and digi perm lotion. Masdo Aqua Shining Perm lotion with its neuter, non-alkaline and non-ammonia feature will not damage hair. Can be use form healthy, normal hair to super damaged hair, no mistake of choosing the right perm lotion for hairdressers.

Q6:How many kind of perm lotion you need to use to fulfill the different hair needs on cold and digi perm if you use other perm lotion?

A:At least 4 sets of perm lotion to match the different needs of different hair type on cold perm and digi perm.



Designer D :

Q7:When using Masdo Aqua Shining Perm, is there any type of hair that you have no confident to have good perm result.

A:No, I can use Masdo Aqua Shining Perm on all kind of hair quality. PH neutral formula, perming without damage hair, giving hair smooth texture after perm.

Q8:When using other Perm lotion, is there any type of hair that you have no confident to have good perm result.

A:Yes, I will have doubts on damaged hair. Afraid the alkaline will damaged the hair.















問題4: 同樣長度、用量、和操作模式,使用其他品牌燙髮藥劑,需要多久時間?





















  1. Zero Damage Neutral Perm Solution

  2. Suitable For All Hair Type

  3. Feature Both Cold Perm And digi Perm

  4. Smart Hair Softening Factor

  5. Save Time, Save Cost, Avoid Mistakes


  1. 中性燙髮,零傷害

  2. 可適用於所有髮質

  3. 同時具有冷燙和熱燙的特色

  4. 智慧軟化因子

  5. 節省時間,節省成本,減少燙髮錯誤

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